Men adore ... obedient women. But ... beautiful women are not obedient … … an article written by the wellknown romanian writer Adrian Dumitru

A man ... to feel like a real man ... must have control over ... all.

Of course ... that like many others ... he dreams of a beautiful woman.

One ... looking like a princess from fairy tales.

But ... it's always extremely important as this woman to be obedient too.

Not ... only beautiful.

Unfortunately .... as you all know ... 99.99% of all men from this planet are idiots.

... having illusory desires.

Which in fact ... will never become real.

And this idea ... with the obedience ... is one of the most stupid i've ever heard.

But ... you see ... we continue chasing for that.

Asking as that beautiful princess from fairy tale ... to be under total domination.




I could even say ... even pathetic.

Of course ... many women will agree with me.

... knowing it's impossible.

But ... still ... how's that i also see powerful men ... in the company of beautiful women ... being into that type of amazing relationship?!

I can't really find an answer.

So ... i ask Sheila.

Smiling ... she replies ... "You're such an idiot Gabriel.

On this planet ... anywhere you would go ... you'll never find a beautiful woman ... which is obedient.

Not even one.

But ... an intelligent woman ... near the right partner ... seeing he is a powerful man ... she will know to pretend she is obedient.

Of course ... man will realise it.

But ... knowing that his stupid ego needs that ... he will pretend he doesn't see that the woman is just pretending.

So ... all is sort of a game.

But ... a beautiful one.

The man needs that.

And ... a real woman ... needs a powerful man too.

Cause ... we just hate the losers ... no matter how attractive they might be sometimes ... "

Well ...

Maybe Sheila is right.


My conversations with her always reveal for me unbelievable things... which i can't really understand with the thinking of


a man.

Bottomline ... a beautiful woman ... which is intelligent too ... knows to make the games ... in such a way so that the ego of man to be fooled.

... and be happy.


As a couple.

Most probably ... an important secret ... not so well known ....


Download the book ”The princess syndrome

... perceptions of an idiot man - essays” written by the romanian author Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.



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